Monday, 15 October 2012

Pilmeny teams up with Holyrood High

Senior students at Holyrood High school have chosen the Pilmeny Youth Centre as their local charity of choice as part of their Active Citizenship programme. Students will support the youth centre working in small teams that will identify and research local community issues and identify solutions. The programme is channelled through the high schools partnership with the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative programme ("YPI is a unique schools programme that empowers young people to tackle issues in their local area. It presents a fantastic opportunity for supporters to channel funds to worthy, grassroots organisations whilst simultaneously creating the next generation of socially-engaged citizens. Funded with private capital, YPI enables schools, charities, large corporations and young people to work together to improve local communities. YPI gives our future community leaders, a 'real life' context to grant funds and become passionate advocates for charities while developing crucial skills in research, teamwork and communication Working in small teams, pupils identify and research grassroots organisations which are tackling the issues that they care most about; with the guidance of a dedicated citizenship teacher, who is supported by YPI staff, pupils visit their chosen local charity and prepare presentations on why that charity is most worthy of support. The group judged to have made the best presentation in each school is granted £3,000 to award to their charity. Enclosed data courtesy of the YPI website).
We look forward to working with the school and we're sure they have made a wise choice in selecting the Pilmeny Youth Centre.

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